In the fall of 1998, St. Norbert Catholic School was blessed with the beautiful friendship of Kathy & Greg Oldham as we welcomed their son Brian into kindergarten. As a graduate of this school himself, Greg knew this was the right place for their son, and Kathy agreed, becoming an active and willing parent volunteer. Throughout the years, her presence on campus was constant, and the grace with which she contributed to volunteer efforts was inspiring—patiently working with young students in Learning Center, loyally watching over kids on the playground, cheerfully driving on numerous field trips, sweetly welcoming her son and nieces and nephews into her arms at the end of the school day.
On May 5, 2008, Kathy passed away unexpectedly from a brain aneurysm. She was a beloved wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt and friend to scores of people in the St. Norbert community and beyond. We miss her profoundly and continue to pray for Kathy in heaven as well as her family here with us.
When she died, Kathy’s family requested that in lieu of flowers, friends make contributions to our school in Kathy’s memory. This fund has been named the Kathy Oldham Children’s Fund and exists to benefit the students of our parish school.
Over the years, this fund has allowed us to beautify our campus surroundings and greatly enhance our art program in all grades. In the winter of 2017, we opened the Kathy Oldham Studio for the Arts--a specifically designed and appointed space dedicated to performing and visual arts education at St. Norbert Catholic School.
The Kathy Oldham Children’s Fund will continue to fund projects that are meaningful to the education and faith formation of the students of St. Norbert Catholic School. The generosity of the donors—past, present and future—support our school in a way that honors Kathy and her love of family, children, faith, art, education. Through this effort, Kathy will always have a presence on this campus and in our classrooms.
For more information on the Kathy Oldham Children’s Fund, or to contribute to this fund, please visit our Donate to SNCS page on this site, or contact our school office by phone, email or personal visit.