Membership on the Student Council gives the students the opportunity to develop leadership skills, to put into practice the principles of democracy, and to develop an attitude of service to their school. Students must maintain a B average with no grade lower than a C and no conduct grade lower than B. Students receiving excessive referrals will be disqualified. Student Council Officers are elected in May from grades 6 and 7. Classroom representatives are elected for grades 3 through 8.
The Academic Junior High Decathlon is a competition for students in grades 6-8 in the Diocese of Orange. Parent and faculty volunteers serve as coaches throughout the year and students dedicate months of their time and effort studying and preparing for a competition in the spring. There are ten events: Two are collaborative team efforts--a logic quiz with 20 rigorous thinking problems; and a Super Quiz with 50 multiple choice questions on five broad academic themes. The remaining eight events test individual knowledge of the Roman Catholic doctrine, English, Literature, Science, Mathematics, Current Events, Social Studies, and Fine Arts (Art and Music). Awards are given for individual and team performance, and the winning school team from each geographic diocese competes in a state championship the first Saturday of May each year.
St.Norbert Catholic School is a member of the Parochial Athletic League (PAL) and adheres to its policies, rule and regulations. The aim of the PAL athletic program is to promote the physical and moral development of its athletes, within the framework of Christian competition. Students who wish to participate in this program must be willing to put forth their best efforts to acquire the skills necessary for the particular sport. Winning is not the primary aim but rather the formation of good athletes who can lose graciously and win honorably.
Our teams compete in the following seasonal sports:Students must maintain a grade of "C” or better in behavior and in all subject areas, and have no fails. Failure to maintain such an average will result in a probationary period for the athlete of two weeks. Failure to meet the requirements of probation will result in ineligibility for that sport.
A detailed description of after-school sports policies may be found in the St. Norbert Catholic School Handbook.
The St. Norbert Catholic School Choir is open to parish school students in grades 4-8. The children rehearse on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 3:00 to 3:45PM, and provide music for our school liturgies on First Friday of each month, and at special celebrations through the school year. Please contact the school office for more information. There is no fee charged for school choir.
Band: Students in Grades 4 through 8 may participate in an instrumental music program, learning to play a musical instrument of the band or orchestra. Several performances are scheduled throughout the year, including combined programs with other schools to give students the opportunity to play with a larger, more complete ensemble. For more information, please contact the school office.